
Eart shaped word cloud art generator
Eart shaped word cloud art generator

eart shaped word cloud art generator

Word Mosaic – Chose a shape or symbol to add words to in a word cloud form.Choose the font colors and click random to see different shapes and colors.

eart shaped word cloud art generator eart shaped word cloud art generator

Wordle – An easy and quick way to create word clouds online.Check out my post on using Tagul to create an interactive vocabulary search on education sites for research.You can also customize the link of each word to whatever website you choose by clicking the API mode box in the Core Options category and playing with the code.In order to customize the links to go to a specific blog or website, go to the Core Options tab and replace the site search link with the chosen website url and at the end add /$tag. By default, Tagul will have the clickable links lead to sales search site you want to specify the website to link words.Tagul– Create word clouds that fit a shape or choose different fonts and colors. An added benefit is each word is a clickable link that connects to a website you can specify.Tagxedo– Create word clouds and choose the shape and background color of the word cloud.

Eart shaped word cloud art generator